Hacker Codex   Linux servers · Python development · MacOS tinkering

Generating Static Sites with Pelican

Pelican is a static site generator, powered by Python. This brief screencast covers Pelican installation and basic usage.

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Install Fish Shell on MacOS and Ubuntu

Can a command-line shell be Mac-like? Trade in Bash for the Fish shell and watch the magic happen.

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Speed Up Compression via Parallel BZIP2 (PBZIP2)

Did you know you can speed up your bzip2 compression time by an order of magnitude? If you have multiple cores, follow this guide to enable massive compression speed gains.

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How to Stop Your ISP from Hijacking Your DNS Servers

Remember when Internet service providers began redirecting requests for non-existent domains to their own ad-filled pages? Turns out they’ve upped their game. Even if you’ve switched your DNS settings away from the servers provided by your ISP, some ISPs have still figured out a way to hijack your DNS. This quick tutorial shows how to put a stop to their latest shenanigans.

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Set Up Python and Install Django on Mac OS X Lion 10.7

Installing Django and other Python tools on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion can be done any number of ways. While there’s no best or perfect configuration, this tutorial will guide you through the process of configuring a stock Lion installation into a rockin’ Python / Django development system.

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